What to do if hemorrhoid bleeding is serious after pregnancy

Rain Run Static Load Ask questions at 03:30:17, March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

In general, with the increase of fetal volume in the third trimester of pregnancy, the abdominal cavity pressure is high, and the blood circulation around the rectum is difficult to return, leading to hemorrhoids aggravating bleeding, hemorrhoids mass protruding, and bloody stool. Generally, hemorrhoids will be relieved slowly after delivery. In terms of daily diet for hemorrhoids, attention should be paid to light diet, avoid spicy and stimulating food, drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruits, increase cellulose diet, change bad defecation habits, defecate regularly, prevent constipation and diarrhea, constipation and diarrhea can cause aggravation of symptoms and even bleeding, adhere to warm saline or potassium permanganate hip bath, improve local blood circulation, and apply local hot compress, Or insist on anal lifting exercise. It can relieve hemorrhoids. During pregnancy, delivery and lactation, it is strictly prohibited to use drugs, including oral drugs and external drugs. Drugs can cause premature miscarriage and affect the health of infants and young children through milk secretion.

Rain Run Static Load 2024-04-01 17:27:37

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