How to deal with urinary tract infection in pregnant women

Plain and light Ask questions at 01:58:43, April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

First of all, the pregnant woman has urinary tract infection. In the acute phase, she needs to rest, drink more water, urinate frequently, and pay attention to the cleanness of perineum. It is recommended to drink more than 2000 ml of water every day, urinate every two to three hours, and give the feverish person a diet that is easy to digest, high in calories, and rich in vitamins. Patients with bladder irritation and obvious hematuria can take one gram of sodium bicarbonate orally, Alkalize urine three times a day to relieve symptoms, inhibit bacterial growth, and avoid the formation of blood clots. For acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, the second and third generation cephalosporins and ampicillin are now used. Seven to fourteen days are a course of treatment. In recent years, in order to reduce the impact on the fetus and the production of drug-resistant bacteria, some people have shortened the course of treatment to five days, three days or even advocated single dose treatment. In case of acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, failure of single dose treatment or rare pathogen infection, further follow-up and imaging examination shall be conducted after delivery to exclude urinary tract abnormalities such as stones and obstruction.

Plain and light 2024-04-07 11:19:52

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