What's the matter with itchy glans and white peeling

clear Ask on April 4, 2024:03:36
Recommended answer

The glans is itchy and has white matter peeling. It is considered that the sexual life is unclean or the foreskin is too long, leading to symptoms caused by inflammation of the glans of the foreskin. If the patient's daily sex life is not clean or the foreskin is too long, it is easy to cause balanitis symptoms after being infected by bacteria during sexual life. Balanitis can cause itching on the glans, and inflammatory stimulation may also lead to increased secretion on the glans, which is easy to fall off over time. It is suggested that patients should pay attention to the cleaning of glans. Metronidazole chlorhexidine lotion can be used for cleaning. At the same time, they can also use ofloxacin capsule for anti-inflammatory treatment according to the doctor's advice.

clear 2024-04-07 11:32:33

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