How to treat rectal mucosa prolapse

Keep up with money Ask questions at 22:34:15 on April 3, 2024
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Treatment of rectal mucosa prolapse Non operative treatment: general treatment, sclerosing agent injection therapy; Surgical treatment: laser surgery, surgical treatment, etc. Rectal mucosa prolapse is a disease in which the mucosa of the rectum moves downward and prolapses outside the anus. It is a kind of rectal prolapse, also known as incomplete rectal prolapse. There are many treatment methods for rectal mucosa prolapse, among which non-surgical treatment is mainly used for mild illness and children patients, including guiding patients to form normal defecation rules, enhancing perineal training, and using manipulation to support anal defecation. There is also a widely used non operative method: sclerosing agent injection therapy. This method is mainly to inject sclerosing agent into the submucosa of the rectum, the pelvic and rectal space, and the posterior rectal space, so as to make the rectal mucosa, muscularis, rectum and surrounding tissues adhere and fix. However, this method is disabled for patients with proctitis. For patients with severe prolapse, resulting in incontinence, anal ulcer, perianal skin eczema, infection, mucosal congestion, edema, bleeding, or even stenosis, tissue necrosis, surgery is required. At present, there are many types of surgical treatment, which can be applied to many situations. At present, the latest method is laser surgery. Its principle is roughly the same as that of sclerosing agent injection therapy, and it also has good therapeutic effect.

Keep up with money 2024-04-07 11:42:42

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