How to treat soft rib inflammation

A piece of red paper Ask questions on March 27, 2024-15:28:22
Recommended answer

If the patient has costochondritis, there will be aseptic inflammatory edema in the costal cartilage, which will lead to obvious pain and tenderness in the costal cartilage. Especially in deep breathing, coughing and working at a desk, the symptoms of pain will be significantly worse. Therefore, after costal cartilage inflammation occurs, the patient must pay more attention to keeping warm at ordinary times to avoid getting cold and can apply hot compress to the costal cartilage. After hot compress, apply Voltalin to relieve the pain of costal cartilage inflammation. If necessary, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken orally, such as nimesulide, ibuprofen, lornoxicam and other drugs to fight against aseptic inflammation of costal cartilage, so as to alleviate the pain of costal cartilage. If the patient has severe costochondritis pain symptoms, glucocorticoids can be injected locally at the obvious pain points to fight against the aseptic inflammation of costochondritis, so as to alleviate the pain symptoms of costochondritis. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

A piece of red paper 2024-04-01 16:31:55

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