What should I do if I have pain in my right chest and back

It's fate Ask questions at 13:10:10 on April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of pain on the right side of the chest connected to the back needs to be selected reasonably according to the etiology. If the pain on the right side of the chest with the back is caused by trauma, it may be caused by fracture or local soft tissue injury. It is necessary to go to a regular hospital to improve the chest CT, and determine what causes further treatment. It may also be the pain symptoms caused by the invasion of ribs due to the tumor in other parts of the body that has metastasized to the right chest and right back in the late stage. It is necessary to actively treat the primary disease so that the symptoms can be effectively improved in time. If it is caused by pleurisy, it can be determined whether it is caused by tuberculosis infection, and isoniazid and rifampicin can be used together for symptomatic treatment. If there is pleural effusion, it needs to be pumped for test, and at the same time, it can reduce the pressure of the chest, and relieve the clinical symptoms through comprehensive conditioning.

It's fate 2024-04-07 11:39:40

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