How to deal with flatulence after intestinal obstruction surgery

Happy life Ask questions on March 25, 2024-15:00:40
Recommended answer

Abdominal distention will appear after intestinal obstruction surgery, depending on whether it is early or late. If it is early, it may be related to the incomplete recovery of intestinal tract caused by surgical trauma. The symptoms will be relieved after the gastrointestinal function recovers 3-4 days after surgery. At the same time, active treatment such as fasting, fluid supplement, acid inhibition, enzyme inhibition, gastrointestinal decompression will help to reduce the clinical manifestations of abdominal distention, Promote the early recovery of intestinal function. In the late stage, such as abdominal flatulence one month, two months or even one year after the operation of intestinal obstruction, the obstruction may recur, and the repeated obstruction may present clinical manifestations such as abdominal pain, abdominal distention, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc. At this time, the best treatment is to use anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs. You can choose enema and mirabilite external application to alleviate abdominal flatulence and other symptoms.

Happy life 2024-04-01 16:34:05

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