What to do if you have body odor

Smile Ask questions on 2024-03-28 01:28:59
Recommended answer

Body odor is also known as sweating, which is due to the large number of sweat gland tissues and hypertrophy of glands, resulting in increased sweating. Bacteria decompose sweat and skin secretions, resulting in odor. It is obvious in adolescence, and will gradually alleviate in old age. At present, the treatment mainly includes surgery, laser and injection. For more serious patients, surgical treatment can be recommended. Make a small opening under the armpit on both sides to remove sweat gland tissue, which has obvious effect and is not easy to recur. You can also choose laser or injection therapy. Laser and injection therapy requires relatively many times of treatment, which cannot achieve the effect of once and for all.

Smile 2024-04-01 17:03:13

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