How to deal with pharyngitis and cough of two-year-old baby

Keep up with money Ask questions on April 1, 2024:31:54
Recommended answer

For a 2-year-old baby suffering from pharyngitis and cough, a large amount of warm water can be fed to supplement the water consumed by the body when sick, and lubricate the throat, which can reduce the cough symptoms when pharyngitis occurs. You can also take traditional Chinese medicine for clearing heat and moistening throat, such as Yinhuang Dropping Pill, Jinsang Qingyin Pill, etc. These drugs have a good relieving effect on cough, and are conducive to the recovery of pharyngitis in babies. For severe cough, pharyngitis with throat edema and dyspnea, aerosol inhalation of budesonide suspension can be used for treatment, or traditional Chinese medicine spray can be used for children, such as Golden Throat Spray, which has a quick effect. It has obvious relieving effect on children's inflammation and pharyngitis cough. The combination of these methods can also significantly relieve the baby's pharyngitis and cough. Especially for children with allergies, the effect is better.

Keep up with money 2024-04-07 11:26:50

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