What is the blister on the glans

Listen to flowers under the moon Ask questions at 15:17:33 on March 28, 2024
Recommended answer

The common blister on the glans is the genital herpes on the glans. This is a sexually transmitted disease, mainly through unclean sexual contact with herpes simplex virus infection. Herpes virus causes local skin lesions, which can form local clusters of blisters, and at the same time, there will be itching or burning, painful feelings. The initial infection usually has severe symptoms, and then the virus will lurk in the local area. When the immunity of the body declines, herpes will recur again. In addition, some other diseases, such as fixed drug rash or erythema multiforme, may also show blisters on the glans.

Listen to flowers under the moon 2024-04-01 17:03:09

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