How to deal with itchy nipples

Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage Ask questions at 14:08:31, April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

There are several cases of itchy nipples: the first case is caused by bra stimulation. It is often seen in women's bra with poor material or too tight bra, causing irritation to the nipples and itching of the nipples. Therefore, it is suggested that women should choose their own bra. The second condition is more common in the local nipple itching caused by poor local blood supply of the nipple. For example, the intraductal papilloma of the breast or the small gland secretion of the breast is blocked. The third is nipple eczema. Sweating for a long time or bra wrapping too tight can lead to nipple eczema. If it is diagnosed as nipple eczema, some external drugs should be used, such as Piyanping ointment, calamine lotion, etc. Therefore, it is very important to keep the nipple locally dry at ordinary times.

Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage 2024-04-07 11:32:36

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