What is a pimple beside the nipple

Rewrite happiness Ask questions at 21:44:13, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Small pimples near the nipple may be a normal structure, that is, Monteggia's nodule. It does not rule out the possibility of virus infection, sebaceous gland cyst, folliculitis and other diseases. The nipple is located in the center of the breast. If there are small pimples near the nipple, the possibility of Monteggia node should be considered first; Montessori tubercle is located on the areola surface around the nipple, which belongs to the normal structure of the human body. It can secrete oily substances and play the role of lubricating the nipple and areola; When women enter the pregnancy period, the volume of the Monteggia node will increase, and the secretion of fatty substances will be more. Small pimples near the nipple may also be verrucous tumors caused by virus infection. If local sebaceous gland excretion is blocked and sebaceous gland cyst is formed, it will also show small pimples beside the nipple. If the small pimple beside the nipple is red, swollen and painful, the possibility of folliculitis should be considered.

Rewrite happiness 2024-04-07 11:32:40

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