What causes stomach distention and bad breath

Cherry tree budding Ask questions on April 1, 2024 at 13:26:09
Recommended answer

Gastric distention and halitosis are more common in dyspepsia and gastrointestinal dysfunction. Digestive enzyme preparations can be taken orally, such as compound digestive enzyme multi enzyme tablets. In addition to gastrointestinal peristalsis drugs, such as motilium and mosapride. Improve uncomfortable symptoms through active symptomatic treatment. Pay more attention at ordinary times. Develop good eating habits and living habits. Avoid repeated episodes of discomfort. Eat more food that can strengthen the spleen and stomach, such as yams, red dates, etc. The three meals should be fixed regularly. Do not eat or drink at random, and do not eat night snacks. Pay attention to the regular work and rest, do not stay up late, and avoid overwork. Don't smoke or drink. Exercise more and do aerobic exercise properly. For example, jogging and square dancing can strengthen your physique.

Cherry tree budding 2024-04-07 11:38:59

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