What happened to the bone pain on the shoulder

I'm afraid of the heart Ask questions at 04:42:45, April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

The bone pain on the shoulder is often caused by the following reasons: 1. There may be shoulder joint injuries, such as direct impact on the shoulder joint or traction, torsion and other injuries. At this time, it is very likely to cause bone damage around the shoulder joint, such as a fracture of the greater tubercle, a fracture of the acromion, or damage around the acromioclavicular joint. At this time, the patient will feel bone pain, which is very severe. 2. It may be caused by old injuries. For example, if the patient has dislocation or fracture of the shoulder joint in the past, the bone of the shoulder joint may be left behind for a long time after recovery, and the pain will be obviously aggravated when it rains in cloudy days. 3. Osteoporosis may exist. Some elderly people, especially those with severe looseness, often feel bone pain around the shoulder joint, accompanied by fatigue without any inducing factors. 4. Joint instability may also exist. If the patient has injuries related to the acromioclavicular joint or shoulder joint, which leads to the enlargement and instability of joint space, the patient will also feel bone pain around the shoulder joint.

I'm afraid of the heart 2024-04-07 11:19:55

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