How to treat vitiligo and leukoplakia

Understanding Heart Ask questions on March 28, 2024 at 03:51:49
Recommended answer

There are many options for the clinical treatment of vitiligo leukoplakia. For example, certain drug treatments can be taken to promote the gradual re coloring of these leukoplakia. Generally, tacrolimus cream can be applied locally, or glucocorticoid cream can be applied externally, such as halometasone cream. At the same time, it can also be treated with oral medicine, such as taking a certain amount of Chinese patent medicine, such as Yupingfeng capsule, or using a certain physical therapy method to promote the gradual recovery of vitiligo. Usually, it can be treated by laser or ultraviolet radiation, and attention should be paid to emotional stability during treatment.

Understanding Heart 2024-04-01 16:29:49

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