How to treat female climacteric urethral syndrome

How can I rely on my strength Ask questions at 01:48:23, April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

Urethral syndrome is one of the most troublesome gynecological diseases, which affects physical and mental health and interferes with normal life, especially women in menopause. There are the following treatment methods during treatment: 1. General treatment, mainly aimed at alleviating symptoms, includes sitz bath, physiotherapy or sedative psychotherapy. The main purpose is to eliminate symptoms and relieve patients' pain. 2、 It is targeted treatment, which can be targeted at the source of disease and pathology. Anti inflammatory and antibacterial treatment is generally adopted for the source of disease, because the occurrence of urethral syndrome is closely related to urinary tract infection and bacterial infection. Therefore, eliminating inflammation is an important part of treatment.

How can I rely on my strength 2024-04-07 11:27:33

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