How to deal with the recurrence of kidney disease

Rain in sunny days Ask questions at 12:11:21 on April 5, 2024
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After the recurrence of kidney disease, the following measures should be taken: 1. If the condition is relatively mild, it can be treated with drugs in the outpatient department; If the disease is serious and requires hospitalization, the cause of recurrence should be understood. 2. The patients mainly rest. If there is serious edema, they should stay in bed and rest. At the same time, they should keep a light diet. Attention should be paid to not taking too much salt, not drinking soup, and controlling water intake. 3. If the cause of recurrence of kidney disease is related to infection, antibiotics should be used in time. Once the infection is controlled, the condition of kidney disease will improve; If the patient has a large amount of proteinuria after relapse, it is necessary to re use hormone therapy or increase the dosage of hormone. 4. The patient's mood remains stable to ensure adequate sleep time.

Rain in sunny days 2024-04-07 11:20:47

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