How to treat condyloma acuminatum+anus

happy is he who is content Ask questions at 10:22:46 on April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

Generally, condyloma acuminatum tends to occur around the anus and external genitalia. These parts show red papules. The surface of these papules is relatively rough. With the extension of the disease, these papules turn into some cauliflower like vegetation, which is what we see in condyloma acuminatum. The treatment of condyloma acuminatum includes drug treatment and surgical treatment. The commonly used treatment drugs are mainly antiviral drugs. For example, Vasilovir and Acyclovir can also be combined with some external drugs to treat patients with poor drug treatment effect, which requires surgical treatment, such as carbon dioxide laser surgery.

happy is he who is content 2024-04-07 11:41:46

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