How to treat young knee rheumatism

Missing happiness Ask on April 4, 2024 17:04:45
Recommended answer

When young people suffer from rheumatism, which affects the knee joint, they often suffer from limited movement, joint swelling and pain. It is necessary to start regular treatment as soon as possible, take symptomatic measures to alleviate symptoms, and also take regular and active treatment for the primary disease to prevent the disease from progressing. In the acute phase of the disease, we must pay attention to rest and lift the affected limb. We can use some physical therapy methods to alleviate symptoms, or we can inject glucocorticoid into the knee joint cavity, which can play a role in rapid anti-inflammatory, swelling, and analgesia. At the same time, meloxicam, voltarin, celecoxib, and oxytocin should be used to treat the symptoms of inflammation and pain. It can also be combined with drugs to improve the condition, such as methotrexate, Elamod, or Isepp, Ambenor, etc. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Missing happiness 2024-04-07 11:39:47

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