How is chronic bacterial prostatitis caused

Seize the opportunity Ask questions at 16:18:55 on March 29, 2024
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Chronic bacterial prostatitis is mainly due to the chronic and persistent invasion of pathogens into the prostate, resulting in a large number of bacterial proliferation and local inflammation. It is usually due to the fact that the infection in the acute stage is not completely cured, and then it turns into a chronic inflammatory state. If the infection persists for more than three months, it turns into chronic bacterial prostatitis. In this case, patients should have routine examination of prostatic fluid, and at the same time, prostatic fluid culture can be carried out to identify specific pathogens and then select sensitive antibiotics for effective treatment. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a disease caused by the infection of specific pathogens. Once a specific pathogen is found, sensitive antibiotics should be selected for treatment, which can achieve better treatment results. In addition, patients should maintain good living habits, avoid spicy and irritating food, quit smoking and alcohol, which can completely cure the disease.

Seize the opportunity 2024-04-01 17:02:19

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