What is the cause of acne on temples

Forever young Ask questions on April 4, 2024 00:40:26
Recommended answer

The main reasons for acne on the temples are as follows: First, high androgen activity in adolescence, strong secretion function of sebaceous glands, more oil secretion, combined with more greasy diet, etc., caused poor oil excretion, blocked hair follicles, and aggravated the growth of Propionibacterium acnes. Second, poor keratinization of keratinocytes at the hair follicle mouth can not fall off normally, resulting in hair follicle blockage. Third, improper use of powdered skin care products can aggravate the blockage of hair follicles and further aggravate acne. Fourth, living habits such as staying up late and eating more spicy and stimulating foods can increase oil secretion and acne. Contact with cigarettes, alcohol, barbecue, etc. will also lead to the occurrence and aggravation of acne. In combination with the specific condition and the above common reasons, attention should be paid to troubleshooting, such as whether acne is related to menstruation, whether there are bad habits of work and rest, and whether there are habits of using powdered products.

Forever young 2024-04-07 11:42:39

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