What are the drugs for pelvic inflammation

Ice and clean Ask on April 5, 2024 at 02:10:13
Recommended answer

Drugs for pelvic inflammation, including cephalosporins, generally choose third-generation cephalosporins and doxycycline, which are mainly used for pelvic inflammation caused by sexually transmitted diseases. If patients are allergic to cephalosporins, they can also choose quinolone drugs for treatment. When combined with anaerobic infection, metronidazole should be added. The drugs for pelvic inflammatory disease are generally taken orally. If the patient has severe symptoms, intravenous injection should be used. After intravenous drip for 48-72 hours, the general condition of the patient should be evaluated. If the patient's condition does not improve, timely surgical treatment is required. Pelvic inflammation is mainly caused by retrogressive bacterial infection or low body resistance. Exercise regularly to actively increase body resistance will help reduce the recurrence of inflammation. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Ice and clean 2024-04-07 11:18:44

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