What is the cause of female anus valgus

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky Ask questions at 22:40:23 on April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

If female anus valgus, internal hemorrhoid prolapse, rectal prolapse, etc. should be considered, and the diagnosis can only be made after being checked by a doctor in the hospital. The prolapse of internal hemorrhoids is the most common condition. Most of them are due to long-term constipation, repeated diarrhea, or the abdominal cavity of women is compressed during pregnancy, resulting in blood flow obstruction, which will aggravate the internal hemorrhoids. Doctors can make a routine physical examination to diagnose it. Rectal prolapse usually occurs in children and the elderly, and is related to the muscular dysplasia and muscular atrophy around the rectum. Women may also be related to pelvic floor muscle relaxation, and they also need to go to the hospital for a doctor's diagnosis. Do not eat spicy and stimulating food at ordinary times, defecate regularly every day, keep the stool unobstructed, and drink more water. Timely go to the hospital for medical examination and symptomatic treatment after diagnosis.

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky 2024-04-07 11:26:50

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