How to Relieve Running Foot Pain

Lonely Butterfly Shadow Ask questions on March 26, 2024-15:23:14
Recommended answer

Running causes patients foot pain. Do not continue running for a while, and try not to walk or stand for a long time. Attention should be paid not to stimulate the feet. At the same time, patients can also use warm water to soak their feet, which can accelerate local blood circulation and help relieve pain. Massage can also be carried out properly, or massage can relax local muscles and help relieve pain. In addition, patients can use drugs for treatment, such as diclofenac sodium, loxoprofen sodium, nimesulide or Huoxue Zhitong capsule. Patients try to wear thick and soft shoes in daily life, which can reduce local friction and prevent foot pain. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Lonely Butterfly Shadow 2024-04-01 17:27:00

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