What is the cause of right flank pain

Rush forward Ask questions on 2024-04-07 03:46:32
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Pain in the right lower abdomen is a common chief complaint in the outpatient department of the digestive department. The right lower abdomen refers to the right lower abdomen. The right lower abdomen contains the ileum, cecum, ascending colon, and right ureter. Female patients also include the right appendix. The pathological changes or functional disorders of these organs can lead to pain in the right lower abdomen. Common diseases include: 1. appendicitis, also called appendicitis, is suppurative obstructive inflammation of the appendix. Most of them showed right lower abdominal pain, accompanied by fever. 2. Urinary diseases, urinary infections and urinary stones can all lead to pain in the right lower abdomen, often accompanied by changes in urine. Red and white blood cells can be found in urine. 3. Gynecological diseases, diseases of the right side of the appendix can cause pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, often accompanied by changes in menstruation. Therefore, we should pay attention to the right flank pain, go to the hospital, complete the examination under the guidance of the doctor, and make a clear diagnosis.

Rush forward 2024-04-07 11:39:36

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