What is an enlarged prostate

Happy everyday Ask on 2024-03-26 00:22:58
Recommended answer

What is the enlargement of the prostate? If the prostate is enlarged, it is mainly because the prostate is infected by pathogenic microorganisms, or the prostate is congested and edematous due to aseptic prostatitis. During digital rectal examination, it can be felt that the prostate is relatively plump, accompanied by obvious tenderness. The patient often has obvious frequency of urination, urgency of urination, and restlessness of urination. The swelling pain in the perineal anal area and the lower abdomen needs to pass the routine examination of prostatic fluid in time to determine the type of prostate verification before targeted treatment. If it is bacterial prostatitis, it needs to be treated with antibiotics in time. If it is sterile prostatitis, it also needs to pay attention to strengthening life care, such as warm water hip bath, local massage, or microwave shortwave therapy. Prostatic enlargement needs to be differentiated from benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostatic hyperplasia is mainly seen in elderly men. It is mainly due to the increase in the number of cells in the prostate after long-term stimulation of testosterone, which results in an increase in the volume of the prostate, which is different from the enlargement of the prostate.

Happy everyday 2024-04-01 17:05:05

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