What to do when the urethral orifice is red and swollen and the urine is tingling

Womanly flower Ask questions on 2024-03-28 12:25:42
Recommended answer

The patient with red and swollen urethral orifice has tingling symptoms when urinating. In most cases, there is local inflammation at the urethral orifice, and the urine stimulates the red and swollen urethral orifice. Therefore, the patient needs to be actively treated from the following aspects at the same time: First, reduce the concentration of urine. The patient needs to drink more water to increase the production of urine and urinate in time, which will dilute the urine, Reduce the content of irritating substances in urine, such as bacteria and toxins produced by them. Secondly, to reduce the swelling of urethral orifice, patients need to go to the urology department in time, improve the routine urine, urine or urethral orifice secretion bacterial culture examination, and reasonably select antibiotics to actively anti-inflammatory treatment, which can reduce the swelling of urethral orifice. Third, patients should avoid eating spicy food, which can effectively reduce the irritation of urine to the urethral orifice and avoid aggravating the stinging symptoms of patients when urinating. Fourth, patients need to eat more food rich in vitamins, which can help patients improve their immunity and promote disease recovery.

Womanly flower 2024-04-01 17:04:39

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