What to do when kidney stones suddenly occur

Happiness comes from hard work Ask questions at 03:51:00, March 29, 2024
Recommended answer

If kidney stones are suddenly committed, there will be severe pain. It is recommended to go to the hospital in time to receive spasmolysis and pain relief treatment. Kidney stones suddenly cause severe pain in the back, indicating that the stones fall into the ureter. The stone itself is produced in the renal pelvis, and the space in the renal pelvis is relatively large, so in fact, it will not produce too much stimulation to the renal pelvis mucosa, and the patient will not have too obvious symptoms. Only when the volume of the renal stone reaches a certain level, it will block the junction of the renal pelvis and ureter, which may lead to hydronephrosis, and lead to the feeling of swelling of the waist and back. But when the stone volume is small, if it falls into the narrow ureter, it will cause the spasm of the ureter, leading to severe pain in the back and waist. This kind of pain is almost unbearable. It can only be relieved by using some antispasmodic and analgesic drugs through hormone or intravenous infusion. After the pain is relieved, anti-inflammatory treatment is needed.

Happiness comes from hard work 2024-04-01 17:15:11

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