Leucorrhea is very white, like yogurt. What's wrong

Against the Current Ask questions at 05:37:29, April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

Normal leucorrhea is colorless and tasteless viscous substance. Leucorrhea is as white as yogurt. It is possible to be infected with candida. The main manifestation of candidal vaginitis is an increase in leucorrhea. The leucorrhea is like beancurd or bean dregs, white or yellow, accompanied by itching. However, there are also a few women with leucorrhea in clinical practice, which is white and sufu like. Routine examination of leucorrhea has not found any candida infection, mainly because vaginal secretions are mixed with the shedding mucosa of vaginal epithelium, thus forming such leucorrhea. But no matter how, leucorrhea abnormalities need to go to the hospital for corresponding inspection to determine the cause.

Against the Current 2024-04-07 11:25:26

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