What is the baby's hoarse cough

Half a Little Love Song Ask on April 5, 2024-04:38:29
Recommended answer

The baby's hoarse cough may be caused by acute laryngitis. Acute laryngitis is a special type of respiratory tract infection, which is an acute and serious disease in pediatrics. If the child suffers from acute laryngitis, in addition to hoarseness, there will be fever. In case of such a situation, we should pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time for treatment according to the situation. It is suggested that children should be allowed to drink more water during treatment and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, which will be beneficial to disease treatment. Don't eat greasy and spicy food, and also avoid overeating. The room where children live needs to be ventilated, and children should also have good sleep to ensure a quiet sleeping environment.

Half a Little Love Song 2024-04-07 11:27:14

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