How is menstruation black

Morning fawn Ask questions at 15:50:40 on April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Black menstruation may be due to irregular menstruation. Many women are prone to black blood after irregular menstruation. For example, the sudden advance or delay of menstruation, or more or less menstruation blood all indicate that the menstruation is irregular, and the color of menstruation may also appear black. Black menstruation may also be due to qi stagnation and blood stasis. The patient will have obvious blood volume more or less. The patient will also have abdominal pain and become vulnerable. Improper nursing can also lead to black menstruation, which is one of the reasons why women are prone to black menstruation if they do not take proper daily care, or strenuous exercise can also cause the above symptoms. If women have kidney deficiency, they will also have black menstruation. Therefore, we should find out the specific cause of black menstruation and treat symptomatically.

Morning fawn 2024-04-07 11:23:39

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