When is the best time to eat propofol tenofovir

social commitment Ask questions at 20:12:18 on April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Propofol tenofovir is a first-line anti hepatitis B virus drug, which can be taken in the morning, noon and evening, but it must be taken with meals and at a fixed time, so it is best to take it at a convenient time, so it is not easy to miss taking it. If you miss, follow the instructions. See whether it is necessary to take another supplement or just start the next one. If you vomit after taking medicine, you should also see whether you need to take it again or not according to the instructions. Hemodialysis patients do not need to adjust the dose is also normal to take. It is also the first-line drug for pregnant women to treat hepatitis B. Because propofol tenofovir has no teratogenic effect, the current study is safe in pregnant women.

social commitment 2024-04-07 11:25:47

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