What to do after coughing for a month with chronic pharyngitis

Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate Ask on April 5, 2024 17:23:08
Recommended answer

Chronic pharyngitis has not coughed for a month. There are several possibilities for this situation. Is there a cause of cough in the lower respiratory tract? In this way, only treating chronic pharyngitis will not have obvious effect. Some patients have high blood pressure. Some antihypertensive drugs may cause itching and cough. Go to the internal medicine department to change the antihypertensive drugs to see if there is any obvious effect. Allergic factors exist, such as allergic pharyngitis, which can lead to throat itching and cough. You can go to the hospital to detect allergens, avoid contact with allergens, and use targeted antihistamines and leukotrienes inhibiting drugs, such as montelukast sodium, loratadine, cetirizine, etc. Also, whether chronic pharyngitis is associated with nasal problems, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, secretion backflow, postnasal drip, which can also cause cough, and it needs to be treated at the same time.

Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate 2024-04-07 11:31:41

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