What's the problem of acne on temples

Jungle red maple Ask on April 6, 2024 22:06:04
Recommended answer

The acne on the temples may be caused by poor sleep. This kind of acne is called acne in medicine, and will not cause organic damage to the body. Sometimes, when endocrine disorders occur, acne will also occur. Patients need to adjust their lives and diet, and try to sleep early and get up early rather than stay up late. In diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and don't eat spicy and irritating food. Irritating and greasy food will make endocrine disorders more serious, and will make the skin oily, making acne grow more. You can apply ointment, such as vitamin A acid cream, or apply aloe gel after washing your face. The aloe gel has anti-inflammatory effect. Patients should drink more hot water in their daily life, actively participate in physical exercise, and increase their immune capacity.

Jungle red maple 2024-04-07 11:42:39

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