Is diarrhea normal the next day after drinking

Eternal sun Ask questions on March 31, 2024-18:39:19
Recommended answer

If diarrhea occurs the next day after drinking, the patient may have irritable bowel syndrome. Because alcohol stimulates the gastrointestinal tract greatly, it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract to move faster. If the food is not fully absorbed in the body, diarrhea will be ruled out. In this case, the patient is advised to drink less or no alcohol. At the same time, you can eat some probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora, and also play the role of antidiarrhea. In terms of diet, it is mainly to eat light food, not spicy food, and not to eat too hard, too sour, stimulating food. And pay attention to food hygiene. You can drink some millet porridge or eat some noodles.

Eternal sun 2024-04-01 17:22:58

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