The best ointment for balanitis

A young life Ask questions on March 29, 2024-18:08:35
Recommended answer

The treatment of balanitis needs to clarify the type of infection and choose the most appropriate drug, which is the best drug. Common treatment drugs for balanitis: First, if balanitis is caused by bacterial infection, it needs to be treated with anti infection ointment. Commonly used ointment, such as Baiduobang ointment or erythromycin ointment, can be applied externally to the affected area, and symptoms can be gradually alleviated after 3-7 days. 2、 If fungal infection occurs, antifungal drugs should be used for treatment after diagnosis. For those with diabetes, redundant prepuce and phimosis, relevant factors should be removed or blood sugar should be stabilized. The drug can be clotrimazole ointment or miconazole ointment, and a little is applied externally for 7-10 consecutive days. The symptoms can be relieved. 3、 For balanitis caused by trichomonas, anti trichomonas drugs should be used after diagnosis. The drug can be metronidazole tablet, 1 tablet/time, 3 times/day, taken orally for one week continuously, or coated with a little metronidazole gel, 3 times/day, for 7-10 days continuously.

A young life 2024-04-01 17:03:09

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