What's the sting of sticking plaster

understanding Ask questions at 11:27:08, April 3, 2024
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If there is a tingling sensation after sticking the plaster, the cause. First, it can be seen that the skin has an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the plaster, which will cause local pain after the plaster is applied, and will cause redness and swelling of the skin in serious cases. Second, it can be seen that sticking plaster within 24 hours of tissue injury will lead to tissue congestion, edema and local pain. If you feel pain after applying the plaster, you must see what causes the pain. If there is an allergic reaction, the plaster must be removed, and the residual drugs must be wiped clean to avoid obvious anaphylactic symptoms in the later stage and affect the patient's life.

understanding 2024-04-07 11:47:02

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