How to remove leg hair

Cherish you from now on Ask questions at 09:19:25, March 25, 2024
Recommended answer

There are physical and photoelectric methods to remove leg hair. Physical hair removal means that the hair on the skin surface is removed by mechanical methods such as scraper and wax. However, due to the existence of hair follicles, they still grow repeatedly and need to be cleaned regularly. Moreover, repeated stimulation of hair follicles may lead to thicker and denser hair. Photoelectric hair removal, the so-called laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal, is to use the thermal effect of photoelectricity to destroy the hair growth ability of hair follicles, which can cause permanent hair loss. However, the following points should be noted: 1. Before laser hair loss, the original hair should be shaved as soon as possible to avoid the loss of laser thermal effect; 2. The laser can only act on hair follicles in the growing period, not on hair follicles in the dormant period, so it needs repeated treatment for 3-4 times; 3. Laser hair removal has a certain pain, but there is no ulceration.

Cherish you from now on 2024-04-01 17:10:45

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