How to recuperate the yellow black eyes

Trample a dead pig Ask questions at 20:10:31 on April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

If the black eyes turn yellow, you can properly use eye drops to relieve eye fatigue or dry eyes. These effects are good. Hyaluronic acid sodium eye drops and esculenta digitalis glycoside eye drops are commonly used clinically. Of course, you can also eat more lycium barbarum, because lycium barbarum has the effect of protecting the liver and improving the eyesight. You must go to the hepatobiliary surgery as soon as possible to let the doctor see if there are any abnormalities in the liver or gallbladder, because if there are abnormalities in these areas, It is possible to have yellow black eyes. At ordinary times, we must attach great importance to the health of the eyes. We should not stay up late for a long time and do not use our eyes excessively. If we use our eyes for a long time and close distance, it is also easy to have dark eyes and yellow eyes. We must pay attention to maintaining our eyes, and develop good eye habits, work and rest habits and eating habits. These are very critical. At ordinary times, you must mainly eat light food.

Trample a dead pig 2024-04-07 11:20:37

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