How to treat hepatitis

Sea Blue has no soul Ask questions at 15:20:30, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

In addition to symptomatic treatment, the treatment of hepatitis also needs to focus on the etiology. In terms of symptomatic treatment, some drugs can be selected to strengthen liver protection and reduce enzymes. In terms of treatment, if there are some chronic hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus infection, targeted antiviral treatment is required if it meets the indications of antiviral treatment. Those who do not meet the indications of antiviral treatment can be reviewed regularly. If they are alcoholic hepatitis, they need to strictly abstain from alcohol, and fatty hepatitis needs to control their weight within a reasonable range. In a word, good therapeutic effects can usually be achieved by treating specific causes and symptoms.

Sea Blue has no soul 2024-04-01 17:10:39

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