How to treat exercise-induced asthma?

Jungle red maple Ask questions at 14:57:22 on April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

Exercise induced asthma refers to an asthma attack that occurs during exercise or within 15-20 minutes after exercise. It is mainly due to the increased responsiveness of the airway. During exercise, the patient's tracheospasm results in an asthma attack. The treatment of this kind of exercise induced asthma should first occur during exercise and stop exercise in time. Second, inhale terbutaline or salbutamol aerosol in a timely manner, which can effectively relieve the bronchial spasm and stop the attack of asthma. Third, it can cooperate with oxygen inhalation and other methods to alleviate the anoxia symptoms of patients. Fourth, for patients who often have asthma attacks before or after exercise, use drugs in advance before exercise and do warm-up exercises, It can effectively prevent the attack of asthma.

Jungle red maple 2024-04-07 11:31:24

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