What's the pain under the left rib

Green Willow Ask questions on March 31, 2024-11:09:26
Recommended answer

Pain under the left rib, clear the cause of pain, fever, exercise, cold stimulation, hunger or no inducement, the specific nature of pain is dull pain, sharp pain, stabbing pain, etc., the time of pain is labor pain or sudden, the position is above and below the left nipple, whether the pain aggravation is related to breathing and movement. It can have angina pectoris, costal chondritis, herpes zoster, pleurisy, spontaneous pneumothorax, soft tissue injury, etc. If there is a sudden pain, no inducement, no recurrence, the problem is not very big. If the patient is older and has repeated attacks, there is an inducement. It does not rule out that there is a heart disease, such as angina pectoris. If the patient is younger, it is related to exercise, and the pain is severe and chest tightness, it does not rule out lung disease. Considering that there is respiratory tract infectious disease, observe the local skin for herpes, and judge the possible cause in combination with other related symptoms.

Green Willow 2024-04-01 16:32:19

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