What's wrong with the pain on the left side of the lower abdomen

Old Master Ask questions at 04:34:34, April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

The main organs in the left lower abdomen are the descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum. In women, there is a left appendix of the uterus, followed by the kidney. If there is left lower abdominal pain, it should be considered that the above organs have problems, which may be organic or functional. The so-called organic nature is that these organs have pathological changes, which leads to abdominal pain, while the functional nature is that there is no problem with the organs and no tumor, which leads to abdominal pain. The most common reasons are: First, colitis or proctitis should be considered for abdominal pain with diarrhea. Second, if it is simple abdominal pain, accompanied by increased vaginal secretion, yellow leucorrhea, etc., gynecological inflammation should be considered. Third, if the pain is particularly intense and related to exercise, or accompanied by hematuria, it should consider diseases of the urinary system, such as kidney and ureter stones. Fourth, if the pain is long-term pain, it is important to consider the obstruction caused by tumors of the sigmoid colon and descending colon in the short term. If the pain lasts for a long time, or even worsens, you should go to the hospital in time to further identify the causes and then carry out targeted treatment.

Old Master 2024-04-07 11:38:58

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