What to do if impotence fails to erect

Dream Love Night Star Ask questions at 16:14:40 on March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Impotence can not erect, mainly to control risk factors. When there are organic diseases, such as prostatitis and balanitis, erectile dysfunction may be caused. After the diagnosis, the corresponding anti-inflammatory drugs should be used for treatment. When the inflammatory infection is controlled, the erectile function will return to normal. If erectile dysfunction is caused by mental and psychological factors, psychotherapy is mainly used. Patients should learn more about sex, coordinate the relationship between husband and wife, relieve anxiety and tension, and also cooperate with relaxation training or sexy concentration training. If erectile dysfunction is related to hypertension or diabetes, it should be controlled by reasonable use of hypoglycemic and antihypertensive drugs.

Dream Love Night Star 2024-04-01 17:10:22

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