What to do if a girl's private part is swollen

Blue sky and clear water Ask questions at 18:16:51 on April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

How to deal with the swelling of girls' vulva? According to what causes it, symptomatic treatment can be carried out. The details are as follows: 1. For example, if excessive force is used during the bedroom, which stimulates the swelling of the vulva skin, local cold compress can be carried out for 15 minutes each time, so as to eliminate the swelling of the vulva. At the same time, you can also buy some lotion, as long as it is gynecological cleaning, disinfection, sterilization lotion can be cleaned to prevent vaginitis and vulvitis. 2、 For example, vaginal inflammation, or swelling of the vulva caused by vulva inflammation, has seriously affected the quality of life at this time, and cannot walk. As far as possible, we should go to the hospital to register in the department of gynecology to check the vaginal secretions to determine what the cause is. According to the situation, we should take oral anti-inflammatory drugs plus vaginal tamponade to treat the swelling of the vulva.

Blue sky and clear water 2024-04-07 11:22:58

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