Labial folliculitis

Eternal sun Ask questions on March 28, 2024-18:01:24
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Because of the local environment and the rich sebaceous glands of hair follicles, the pubic region is easy to cause folliculitis. When a relatively small amount of folliculitis just occurs, Baiduobang ointment or fusidic acid ointment can be applied externally for anti infection treatment. When the symptoms are more serious, the number of rashes is more, and there are suppuration and other symptoms. First of all, pay attention to hygiene, local cleaning, frequent bathing, and then cooperate with oral antibiotic treatment, such as clarithromycin or cephalosporins. In addition, do not scratch the local area to prevent the infection from aggravating. Furuncles, carbuncles and even suppurations are easy to form when hair follicles are heavily developed. When abscesses occur, they can be cut open for drainage and treated with anti infection. For patients with recurrent labial folliculitis, pay attention to check whether there is an increase in blood sugar. If some diabetic patients are prone to recurrent folliculitis, it is because their resistance is relatively low, so they should improve their immunity and properly strengthen exercise.

Eternal sun 2024-04-01 16:34:15

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