What's wrong with insomnia and sweating in late pregnancy

I love this busy world Ask questions at 01:45:00, April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

It is recommended to pay attention to the temperature preservation of the environment during the late pregnancy. In addition, attention should be paid to whether hypoglycemia has occurred. You can take some sugar water or sugar lumps to alleviate it. Hyperhidrosis is generally a manifestation of hypoglycemia. You can test the finger tip blood sugar or venous blood sugar to see whether there is hypoglycemia. If the blood sugar is lower than five, it may be considered hypoglycemia, In this case, it is recommended that the puerpera should supplement food in time, drink some sweet drinks or eat some small cakes, etc., because if the puerpera deliberately control their weight before going to bed, the nutrition in the body is incomplete, and there may be a lack of nutrition. In addition, the nerves are nervous during the day, and insomnia is also likely to occur. It is recommended that the puerpera not take too many naps during the day, Because if you take a long nap during the day, it is easy to affect your sleep at night. You can also do some appropriate activities during the day to promote sleep at night.

I love this busy world 2024-04-07 11:22:55

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