What is the pain in the middle of the waist during menstruation

Dare to bear Ask questions at 03:07:10, April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

If lumbosacral pain occurs during menstruation, the first consideration is uterine enlargement, congestion, pelvic congestion, and traction of uterosacral ligaments, which will also cause neurological pain in the middle of the waist. In addition, we should also rule out deep endometriosis, because during menstruation, endometriosis nodules will increase bleeding, compression of nerves and pain in the middle of the waist. However, if the pain occurs at a higher position, which is far from the pelvic cavity, it should also be excluded whether the pain caused by lumbar hyperplasia, lumbar disc herniation or lumbar strain. The above health science knowledge is only for reference. If necessary, please go to the hospital for timely inspection and treatment.

Dare to bear 2024-04-07 11:49:12

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