How to treat testicular varicose veins

Qinshui Lily Ask questions at 09:40:12, March 28, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of testicular varicose veins is mainly based on the degree of varicosity. The treatment was evaluated according to the degree of varicosity, clinical manifestations and sperm quality. If it is mild varicose, the drug of Maizhiling can effectively improve the wall and tension of the vein and reduce blood reflux. If the degree of varicosity is serious, it is recommended to consider surgery, which includes routine surgery and laparoscopic surgery. When the time comes, the patient should consult with the doctor for specific treatment, and the doctor will give corresponding diagnosis, consultation and treatment plans. Usually, testicular flexion and tension veins mainly refer to varicocele. Varicocele mainly refers to the loss of valve function of the vein. After the loss of valve function, blood reflux is impeded, which belongs to blood stasis, and will lead to the inability to excrete metabolic waste.

Qinshui Lily 2024-04-01 16:29:53

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