Can PLAVIX eat for a long time

Cherish you from now on Ask questions on 08:51:22, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

PLAVIX can be taken for a long time. Taking PLAVIX may cause some side effects, such as bleeding, etc. If there are no such reactions, you can always take PLAVIX. Plavix is an antiplatelet drug, which can be used to prevent and treat coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction and other thromboembolic diseases by inhibiting platelet aggregation. The effect is very ideal. The effect of taking this medicine in the morning and evening is basically the same. Patients can take it at a fixed time according to their own work and rest patterns. Drugs can only control the disease, and it is important to live regularly and exercise appropriately. In terms of diet, we should focus on light food, keep a good mood, quit smoking and drinking, control blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, and regularly review the condition of the heart and head.

Cherish you from now on 2024-04-07 11:32:44

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